Every year just keeps getting better and better. 2009 was a wonderful year for us. We traveled in Europe, visited with family, moved to South Carolina and enjoyed every minute spent as a family.
We started the year off living in Frankfurt, Germany with Snow! David wanted to play in it all day. It snowed off and on the month of January and David loved it. So did we :)
FebruaryDavid helped me make cookies for his first Valentine
David's first Valentine was Julia. They were so sweet together and they are going to be friends forever. Julia's mom, Beth, and I will make sure of it.
David and I would walk to music class every Wednesday. He loved it. We met so many great friends in that class that we will keep for many years.
we enjoyed going to all the indoor play areas that Frankfurt had too.
April We took David to Playmobil Funpark in Zirndorf, Germany. The park had so many fun things to do. There were Lego areas, beach area, water tables, playgrounds, farm animals, pirate ships. You name it was there. I wish David was older to enjoy all the things they had there to do.
we also celebrated Easter...
Jeremy spoiled me all month for Mother's day. He first took me Kos, Greece
We moved back to the good ole USA on June 1st. It was really hard to leave all the wonderful friends we had made in Germany but we were so ready to get back here to see family and........SHOP!!!! Oh how I missed Target and Wal-Mart. In June David got to go to his first Major League Baseball game. The Houston Astros!
July David's 2!!!
Spending time with the Grandma's
David with his Gran, (Brittany's Mom)
And David with MawMaw (Jeremy's mom)
Jeremy graduated Drill Instructor school!!!!!
OctoberHappy Halloween from our Super David :) November
David went to his first day of school. And did so good. (It's just drop-off childcare. I only take him when I have an appointment or something to go to or just want time to myself. But it is a big thing.)
I took David to see Finding Nemo on Ice
Then of course the Marine Corps Ball
I started going to the gym to get back in shape. (Sorry no pictures of the workouts :)) I took David bowling for the first time. It will be a couple years before we do that again. He got bored quick.
2009 was such a great year for us. We enjoyed watching David grow. He says some of the funniest things. He loves to tell us he loves us and my favorite. "Your pretty Mommy!" Oh I just love it :)
Hope everyone has a great 2010!