So I know these two things do not go together at all, but I'm so behind on blogging they do today. Ha!
We have 3 bathrooms in our house and the master toilet and downstairs one were both acting funny. I let it slide a couple of days until the water would not flush at all. I called the maintenance to come out to fix them. I wasn't home when they came, so they "fixed it" and left a note saying all fixed! Yeah right!!!! They came in with a plunger did both toilets and left. Well of course that fixes it temporarily. So the next morning I called again. They came with the snake thing, the water vac all the tools. After 2 hours and 45
mins this is what we found...
Daphne and Scooby were in the master bathroom
and poor Thomas in the downstairs one. :(

Now we lock all bathroom doors and David will not do that again.
The Crooked House was so much fun to go play at. About 5 mins from the house is a really cool playground and David has so much fun playing at it. This was back in February when we went. I am so behind on blogging like I said.